Seadogs Gundog Training Blog

Gundog Training Springer Spaniel Hunting in rabbit pen

By Rob Palmer | 09/11/2023

A little training session with our Springer Spaniel hunting and keeping close in the rabbit pen with shotgun

Springer Spaniels Hunting & retrieving in Sugar beet

By Rob Palmer | 09/11/2023

Our team of springer spaniels hunting and retrieving in the sugar beet earlier in the summer in readiness for the upcoming shooting season. You’ll see different hunting styles between the dogs, some of which is do with age and experience. Lovely evening back in the summer

Manners and retrieving

By Rob Palmer | 09/11/2023

Rose out training. 11 years old and still got it! Even when out training we insist on manners, the gate. We look at stop whistle, directional retrieving, and our older dogs are taught to drop anything they are carrying on a stop whistle.

end of shoot day

By Rob Palmer | 09/11/2023

Our dogs work hard for us on a shoot day, so we feel it is so important to look after them.  During the day we do tail gate checks at the end of every drive, and deal with any injuries as needed then. During the day we coat them up in between drives if there …

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By Rob Palmer | 24/07/2023

Follow this blog to see Orchid’s progress, from eight weeks old. We will watch her learn, socialise and look at many things you can learn with your puppy. Water! Orchid has been introduced to water and smashed it. She loved it. Not the most elegant of swimmers, but that comes with experience and practise. However, …

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